One of the owner occupiers has placed a lot of items on their carport, which goes against the strata by-laws. The committee have been told to seek legal advice, is this correct? – Kathy, QLD
I live in a strata townhouse complex that has by-laws stating you can not have anything at the front of your …
How do we decide between two people who both want to be chairman of the body corporate? – Alan, NSW
We are about to go alone and start our own body corporate. We have a Treasurer and a Secretary we have …
We live in a 3 year old apartment complex and have our elderly father with us. The visitors park does not have a designated disabled visitor park. – Vineta, QLD
We live in a 3 year old apartment complex and have our elderly father with us. The visitors park does not …
Can committee members and owners ask someone such as lawyer/solicitor to attend committee meetings and/or annual general meetings? – Colton, NSW
Can committee members and owners ask someone such as lawyer/solicitor to attend committee meetings and/or annual general meetings? We feel it …
I don’t believe that the committee in my complex is doing things correctly. – Jason, QLD
I don’t believe that the committee in my complex is doing things correctly. There is no notice given for owners of …
We feel our strata fees are very high, we’d really like your opinion, comments and any resolutions you may offer. – Lynne & Chris, NSW
We are the owners of a unit in this complex of about 31 units. We feel the Strata fees are very …
If your end of year is March 31st, and in 2018 your AGM was in May, when should the AGM for 2019 be held. It is now July and no AGM has been scheduled. An email to the strata manager has not answered. – Val, NSW
Hello Val, an AGM must be held once in each financial year. This is normally held within the fist 3 months …
The strata manager has drafted a contract that does not match the agreement to extend our management agreement for 12 months. In 2018 they extended management till 2021 and now in 2019 it is extended until 2022. This issue is that the owners corporation members that signed the contracts didn’t read the dates properly. What are our options now to reduce the contact from July 2019 – July 2020? – Winnie, NSW
Hello Winnie, unfortunately your options will be very limited in this regard.
First step would be to review the motion that was …
Two people in our building are parking around a small cul-de-sac on common ground. Body corporate has been approached to ask them to comply, however, they want to ‘keep the peace’. What courses of action can we take? – Hans, QLD
Question: We have a situation where two people in our community are parking around a small cul-de-sac on common ground. They …
One of the committee members is a bully… There are four other members of the committee and we would like to vote him off the committee. Is this possible? -Jill, NSW
One of the committee members is a bully. He is constantly criticising every cent we spend, even if it is a …
What are the rules regarding changes to artwork and plants in the foyer and putting sun lounges in pool area? – Toni, NSW
Answer: If you are an owner and would like to have artwork, plants and furniture updated on common property you could …
I live in a two unit duplex building with driveways situated in front of each unit and garage doors facing these entry points. Is strata responsible for garage doors? – Marilyn, NSW
Question: I live in a two unit duplex building with driveways situated in front of each unit and garage doors facing …
Our front door handle broke off. Our guests went to the store and bought a new door handle but it’s getting a build up of salt just like our last one and the caretakers never clean them. The hinges on our 15-year-old security screen door are now rusty and the handle won’t latch. What can we do when we’re not in their rental pool and being ignored? – Rosemary
Question: Our front door handle broke off. Our guests went to the store and bought a new door handle as they …
On my commercial retail lease the landlord is requesting me to insure the outside windows upstairs. I thought that was the body corporate’s responsibility? – Sue, QLD
Answer: It’s common for commercial landlords to request the tenant to pay for the window insurance within their lease. Often, this …
Are the owners corporation responsible for repairing window sashes? – Roger, NSW
Answer: The first step would be to check your building’s by-laws. In many buildings, windows are considered part of strata, which …