What are the rules regarding changes to artwork and plants in the foyer and putting sun lounges in pool area? – Toni, NSW

Answer: If you are an owner and would like to have artwork, plants and furniture updated on common property you could …

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On my commercial retail lease the landlord is requesting me to insure the outside windows upstairs. I thought that was the body corporate’s responsibility? – Sue, QLD

Answer: It’s common for commercial landlords to request the tenant to pay for the window insurance within their lease. Often, this …

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What’s the best cause of action in persuading a strata manager to respond to requests for information? This strata manager appears to be very reluctant to respond at all. – Bernard, NSW

Question: What’s the best cause of action in persuading a strata manager to respond to requests for information? This strata manager …

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Can you explain in broad terms what common property actually is? – Peter, NSW

Can you explain in broad terms what common property actually is?
Common property is generally a shared space with your neighbours/other owners …

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I have a very plain to see trip hazard in my courtyard with concrete pavers. What action can I take against the Committee? – Ernest, NSW

Q: I have a very plain-to-see trip hazard in my courtyard, with concrete pavers about 20cms by 10cms. I am not …

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