Is re-grouting the shower floor the owners responsibility or the body corporate’s responsibility? – Don, NSW
Q: We live in a townhouse complex of 10. One of the townhouses has experienced a side ways leak from their …
I have asked for help on numerous occasions to explain my complicated strata levy system from the strata manager which constantly shows an accrual type of entry system. – M, NSW
Q: I have asked for help on numerous occasions to explain my complicated strata levy system from the strata manager which …
Two other owners and I have had storm damage to our garages, which are on common property. Our strata management company isn’t responding to my emails or phone calls for an update or copy of financials. What are my rights and what action can I take? – Maria, NSW
Q: Two other owners and I have had storm damage to our garages, which are on common property.
Our strata management …
I own a unit that I am renting out to a friend. Do I have to use a body corporate to insure it, or can I do it my self? – Jeffrey, QLD
Q: I own a unit that I am renting out to a friend. Do I have to use a body corporate …
What can I do about a neighbour in my strata block that harasses me? – Janelle, NSW
Q: What can I do about a neighbour in my strata block that harasses me? Even if it’s not directed at …
All members of the body corporate wish to change the Manager. Please advise how we end the current situation and elect a new body corporate Manager? – Mel, QLD
Q: We are a small group of five with a management company. Our financial year ended September 2019. To date there …
Can other owners stop me from entering common areas?
As a lot owner, can I be refused entry to common areas by another occupier?
All lot owners have access to …
Parking across garage entrances and on common property
Could you please clarify the laws regarding parking on non-allocated parking areas on common property in Victoria? For example, if someone …
I’m concerned my renovations won’t be approved by my committee
I recently purchased a unit and started some renovations without approval. It was only for a new kitchen splashback, new floor …
During away on holiday someone tried to break into my apartment. The door became heavily damaged, it has split. Strata is refusing to pay the cost saying that “I cannot do a repair and charge back”. Is this lawful, given the fact that the additional damage was caused by the delay of the strata fixing the door? I went to mediation but strata did not even reply. Is there any way to get back my money? -Ottilia, NSW
Q: During away on holiday someone tried to break into my apartment. The door became heavily damaged, it has split.
I reported …
Does a roof replacement in a strata building classify as a major renovation? What kind of approval does it need to obtain? – Ariel, NSW
Q: Does a roof replacement (not repair) in a six townhouses strata building be classified as a major renovation?
If it does …
My mum lives in a body corporate in a block of town houses, now was wondering, her fees are usually due in June every year now this year they are due 1 month earlier, can they change the date it’s due? – Michael, VIC
Q: My mum lives in a body corporate in a block of town houses, now was wondering, her fees are usually …
Over the past couple of months one of my neighbours has started a personal gym from their parking space. Is this business allowed and if not what can we do about it? – Luke, VIC
Q: Over the past couple of months one of my neighbours has started a personal gym from their parking space (which …
We have an over zealous new building manager who insists on sending lengthy emails about what’s wrong before and now in this crisis. – B, VIC
Q: We have an over zealous new building manager who insists on sending lengthy emails about what’s wrong before and now …
Are balconies common property in Queensland? – Peter, QLD
Q: Are balconies common property in Queensland?
A: It would be best to check your by-laws and building plan. These documents should …