I have asked for help on numerous occasions to explain my complicated strata levy system from the strata manager which constantly shows an accrual type of entry system. – M, NSW

Q: I have asked for help on numerous occasions to explain my complicated strata levy system from the strata manager which constantly shows an accrual type of entry system.

However they only send me my owners ledger for me to look at and try and reconcile but it’s hard to match with the levies due to no invoice number and is limited. Plus, the charges are split between two different lots on the title. I am now paying for my CPA to reconcile on my behalf because we seem to be consistently behind and accruing daily interest as our SP has a builders loan included in the levies.

I have asked the Strata manager to give whatever information is required to my CPA to facilitate the reconciliation but they have said all levies are handled directly by Macquarie Bank as they take the funds, which are automatically reconciled, so I would have to go through Macquarie Bank. Does that mean they aren’t accountable for handling our money?

The strata manager said if they were to help they would charge the owners corporation. What rights do I have as an owner and an executive committee member? I’m happy to pay for their help but I’m constantly railroaded when I want information around the levies and worried what type of ‘fee’ they would impose as clearly they don’t want to help me.

I sit on the executive committee and would like the other executive committee members info to ask them if they understand their levies, but I’m told the strata manager is not obliged to provide this to me. They only seem to include the main person from the executive committee that they like to work with.

I’m a qualified real estate person and work around the NCAT system in my industry. Is there a way to lodge a complaint to any type of ‘body’ or with NCAT to get access to more of our information. They have held the strata plan for four years and conveniently lost some of our information so we do not have all our levy notices either as they weren’t sent out.

A: As an owner you can undertake an inspection of the books and records of the owners corporation as per sections 182 and 183 of the Strata Schemes Management Act.

Regarding Macquarie Bank it is likely that the strata manager has opened an account with them in the name of the owners corporation with the strata manager as trustee and signatory. The levies are most likely paid via the DEFT system which ensure automatic reconciliation of payments of levies made with correct codes via that system.

The strata manager is still responsible for the account as trustee.