The Treasurer’s wife attends every meeting of the Owners Committee. She intervenes on any/all issues, not just those that might concern her unit. She does not ask for permission to speak and has no hesitation to interrupt others. She also reads OC emails and correspondence sent to her husband or other OC members. Apart from being present, to which there can be no objection, she acts in spirit and letter like an OC member although she is not elected. Do strata regulations allow two persons from the same unit to be members of the OC? – Mary, NSW
The question depends on who owns the unit – is it the treasurer or the wife or both? If they own …
Who is responsible for collecting meeting minutes when meetings and decisions are made via email? – Sue, QLD
Who keeps the minutes for Committee Meetings where the decisions are made via email. Where should the original be kept and …
Can the committee restrict owners and residents from participating in general meetings and asking questions? – Michael, NSW
Can the Committee declare that residents (owners) cannot speak at monthly meetings unless they are invited to? At our last AGM, …
My strata committee has undertaken unapproved works – what can I do and can I get a refund? Joan, NSW
The strata committee had some work done on common property, marked out car spaces (that are too small), and put up …
Can I compel my strata committee to explain budget variances in the annual financial statements? – Peter, NSW
If you are looking for clarity on your strata financial statements, you can submit a motion with the secretary of the …
When choosing a new colour scheme to paint a body corporate building, could an owner make a valid complaint that the choices offered are not wide enough or too similar? – Andrew, QLD
When choosing a new colour scheme to paint a high rise building, could an owner make a valid complaint that the …
How can we ensure our committee and strata manager manage the strata property in a compliant manner? – Frank, NSW
I’m a 3 year Owner and resident of a 15 year old, small (6 stand alone units) strata scheme, with a …
If an owner intends to be nominated to the committee, do they have to disclose any medical conditions they may have that may affect their decision making? – Joan, NSW
If an owner in a strata complex has an illness such as a type of diabetes that affects the persons brain …
What is the committee’s or body corporate’s role and extent of powers in enforcing by-laws? – Jason, QLD
What can the committee of the complex really do apart from sending letters to people for not following the by-laws? Are …
Who reviews strata by-laws? Is it the committee or the owners corporation? – John, NSW
The committee prompts and drafts the by-laws and owners corporation reviews and formalises them.
As per law, strata properties are required to …
Can a strata committee change common property without approval? – Joan, NSW
The committee has changed common property without owners corporation approval. They have put up a sign on common property without calling …