How often are strata buildings supposed to get a fire alarm safety check? – Virginia, NSW

There are a two factors that come into play when answering your query. They depend on the type of fire alarms …

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What responsibilities do strata managers and lot owners need to take with water penetration on the asbestos garage? – Colton, NSW

Our Strata just consist of 4 units.
The garage is simply getting old (our garage is only made of asbestos and other …

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What sort of permission do I need to install solar panels above my unit? – Mark, NSW

Any change in appearance of a lot requires permission from the owners corporation. This is done by having a special by-law …

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In an apartment unit with two bedrooms and one bathroom, is it possible to add an additional toilet? – Nishant, NSW

This addition will be classed as a major renovation as the waterproofing will be disrupted in the bathroom. A by-law for …

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Are we required by law to have an annual fire safety inspection. – Lynne, NSW

Hi Lynne, this is dependant on a few factors such as type of building, age, location. The fire regulations have been …

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