noisy neighbours
I live in a small apartment and there is continuous noise eg: doors slamming, heavy footsteps, banging etc. They wake me most mornings with doors slamming dogs barking etc. – Annie, QLD
I live in a small apartment and the owners of the property live above. There is continuous noise eg: doors slamming, …
My new neighbours are very noisy and disruptive. I’m old and am recovering from cancer but the constant noise is affecting my health. What are my options? – Johneen, NSW
I have lived in my unit for 12 peaceful years until now. The house next door was sold last year for …
What can I do about my noisy gamer neighbour in the apartment above mine? – Hilly, QLD
I am in an apartment, the person above me must be a gamer as he yells all the time, really loud. …