COVID-19 StrataFAQ | How should committee meetings be managed for our strata property?

Q: How should committee meetings be managed for our strata property?
A: In short, avoid the amount of personal and direct interaction. …

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COVID-19 StrataFAQ | What can we do to ensure our strata scheme remains financially stable?

Q: What can we do to ensure our strata scheme remains financially stable?
A: Committees may wish to consider the following measures …

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If you are in a multi-storey building and a bathroom above you leaks water onto your ceiling, who’s insurance pays for the repairs? – John, QLD

Q: If you are in a multi-storey building and a bathroom above you leaks water onto your ceiling, who’s insurance pays …

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Our elderly neighbour blocks the garage with their car. Without a body corporate, how to we remedy this? – Will, VIC

Q: We have a shared driveway for two dwellings. Our elderly neighbour parks their car in front of their garage, so …

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I live in a complex where the levies seem to be very much in favour of the bigger units. Is there away to get the levies on a more even playing field?

Question: I live in a Queensland complex where the levies seem to be very much in favour of the bigger units …

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Must a building caretaking service contractor disclose to the body corporate committee if they are receiving commissions from goods and service suppliers? – Robert, QLD

Question: Must a building caretaking service contractor disclose to the body corporate committee if they are receiving commissions from goods and …

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Is body corporate obligated to test the water quality when a complaint arises from a tenant, who demands a water test be carried out?

Question: Is body corporate obligated to test the water quality when a complaint arises from a tenant, who demands a water …

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What are my rights, and what’s in the by law to stop harassment of my tenant? – Tracey, VIC

Question: My tenant has a girlfriend that visits and sometimes stays overnight. She parks in the visitors parking space. My tenant …

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I live in an apartment and someone keeps parking on my spot. – Rommel, NSW

Question: I live in ACT and I was wondering if you could help me or point me to the right direction. …

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