Can my husband who holds sole power of attorney attend council of owner meeting in my place for a property that is my name only? – Susan, NSW

Q: Can my husband who holds sole power of attorney attend council of owner meeting in my place for a property …

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Are external windows part of a building’s structure and as such a body corporate responsibility? Or they an owner’s responsibility? – Lee, QLD

Q: Are external windows part of a building’s structure and as such a body corporate responsibility? Or they an owner’s responsibility?

A: …

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If waterproofing on the balcony needs to be replaced due to storm damage, is it the owners’ responsibility to replace the tiles on the balcony? – Deborah, QLD

Q: If waterproofing on the balcony needs to be replaced due to storm damage, is it the owners’ responsibility to replace …

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Is it mandatory for a committee to notify residents of committee meetings in advance and let them have an agenda? – Jennifer, NSW

Q: Is it mandatory for a committee to notify residents of committee meetings in advance and let them have an agenda?

A: …

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91 years old tenant needs a railing at her front door for safety issues. Do we need a strata meeting and change in by-laws for this? – Lorraine, NSW

Q: Our tenant is 91 years old and needs a railing at her front door for safety issues. Very small item …

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Can any licensed electrician test and report on the smoke alarms fitted in each of the units for the purpose of Strata Reporting? – Nick, NSW

Q: Can any licensed electrician test and report on the smoke alarms fitted in each of the units for the purpose …

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I have been asked to remove artwork from an inside brick wall of my balcony. They are saying it’s common property, is this correct? – Graeme, QLD

Q: I have been asked to remove artwork from an inside brick wall of my balcony under law 5 Damage to …

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