pet by-laws
What can the Body Corporate do if they are not happy with a dog in the apartment? – Audrey, QLD
Q: In mid-November 2018 my husband and I bought an apartment in Townsville. We asked the Body Corporate if we could …
I want a companion dog for certain health reasons as I’m on a disability pension and my committee are not very flexible. Legally where do I stand? – Conrad, NSW
Q: I’m an apartment owner in a tower in the western suburbs. You are allowed two dogs but a certain size. …
Why am I not allowed a inside cat in a Retirement Village? – Angela, QLD
Why oh why am I not allowed a inside cat in Retirement Village? Had to get a home for him. Such …
Only one person on our strata board disagrees with allowing pets. How can I get this rule re-assessed? – Yaisha, NSW
Q: I am a renter and have just found out that there is only one person on our entire strata board …
I’ve re-located to Queensland and body corporate is preventing me from keeping pets. Can I change this? – Karen, QLD
Although the state laws allow pets, the body corporate may have special rules or by-laws regarding pet ownership and care. The …
Body corporate won’t allow pet ownership. What can I do? – Margaret, QLD
Although the state laws allow pets, the body corporate may have special rules or by-laws regarding pet ownership and care. The …