Can I be penalised for bringing home a pet in my strata property? – Paul, NSW
Why am I penalised for being a pet owner and unable to move into a property that I want to buy …
I’m concerned about cigarette smoke drift into my apartment – what can I do? – Jess, NSW
With respect to smoke drift, it’s important to clarify where the person is smoking – if they’re doing so within their …
Can someone smoke on the balcony of their strata property? – Maria, NSW
If your balcony is part of your private property or common property with exclusive use rights, you may not have any …
What are my options to prevent smoke drifting into my strata apartment? – Kane, NSW
It’s hard to prevent smoke drift from one living space to another in strata apartments as there are common areas and …
What is the responsibility of the owner who has exclusive use of a common area in a strata property? – John, NSW
What is the responsibility of the owner who has exclusive use of the area and that of the strata? if defect …
Who reviews strata by-laws? Is it the committee or the owners corporation? – John, NSW
The committee prompts and drafts the by-laws and owners corporation reviews and formalises them.
As per law, strata properties are required to …
Is there a list of body corporate rules for QLD? Michael, QLD
Is there a list of body corporate rules for QLD or are they just made up? Michael, QLD
Yes, there are a …
Can smoke drift from one strata apartment to another be stopped? – Jenny, NSW
With respect to smoke drift, it’s important to clarify where the person is smoking – if they’re doing so within their …
I own an apartment in Sydney. Our neighbours smoke right next to our main bedroom and of course the smell wafts in. We can never leave the windows open because of that. Strata has sent 2 letters in regards to the smoke situation but there’s been no improvement. What can strata do at this point? Can I get strata to install non smoking signs in all the entrances of the building? – Michael, NSW
It depends on where your neighbours are standing while they smoke – are they doing this within the premises of their …
The occupants of the apartment immediately below mine sometimes smoke in their balcony and the smoke gets into my apartment. I like to keep my balcony door open for fresh air. How can I get them to stop? – Johannes, NSW
If they’re smoking on their own balcony or within the premises of their own property, there’s not much the strata committee …