Can I be penalised for bringing home a pet in my strata property? – Paul, NSW

Why am I penalised for being a pet owner and unable to move into a property that I want to buy because of this. Why should I not be able to make a home somewhere that I like because of this and why should the seller suffer? This is really a backwards step.

– Paul, NSW

In NSW, you may be able to keep a pet in your strata property but you should note that there may be certain restrictions. This is because in strata community living, common property is shared by all owners and there are shared living spaces. So, one person’s activities can affect the quality of life for everyone.

Hence, you should check with your owners corporation and go through your by-laws regarding pet ownership and care. Tenants should first seek approval from their landlord and ensure they adhere to the by-laws and rules.

If you’re being penalised, you may speak with your strata manager and find out what could be the issue. If your neighbours are having issues, you could discuss their concerns. Some people may have certain allergies to certain types of pets. Also, some kinds of pets create a nuisance for other owners and interfere with the peaceful enjoyment of their property. Here’s an article on pets that are suitable for strata properties that may interest you.

If your strata property is unclear about pet ownership, your owners corporation may discuss ways to adopt model by-laws and include pet-related information that suit your property type. You could also file a motion to discuss the matter in an upcoming general meeting. If you feel you’ve been treated unfairly, you could or approach Fair Trading or take legal counsel.