Committee management
Committee management
Find answers for issues with committee disagreements, accessing reports and meeting minutes, strata voting, and more
Is a lot owner in a Residential Standard Module able to bring a non voting person to an AGM as support or an adviser? – Brian, QLD
Q: Is a lot owner in a Residential Standard Module able to bring a non-voting person to an AGM as support …
Is the owners corporation allowed to make a profit on the fees charged each year and retain excess money year on year? – Ian, VIC
Q: Is the owners corporation allowed to make a profit on the fees charged each year and retain excess money year …
Our strata manager assumes all three committee roles, and very proficiently… After reading the Strata Schemes Management Act, I believe the management could be streamlined to the strata manager, plus an owner representative. Based on your knowledge and experience, what would you advise? – John, NSW
Q: We currently have 3 separate positions on the Committee – Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer – for our 6-unit block, comprising the …
Can a developer who still owns 20 units in our strata scheme of 80 units can vote himself to be a Chairman, Treasurer or secretary in The AGM, taking full control of the Committee and OC? – Marjan, NSW
Q: Can a developer who still owns 20 units in our strata scheme of 80 units can vote himself to be …
Are non-owners (who held a proxy at the AGM and was nominated by an owner) able to be legitimately elected to the strata committee especially if they don’t live here and live far away? Are strata committee members allowed to not do any work and simply “listen to everything”? – Daniel, NSW
Q: A non-owner who is also a non-resident got elected to the SC and now refuses to be an office-bearer or …