Windows leaking, I need help for next steps – Mamun, NSW

Q: I have windows leaking, bedroom gets flooded. Contacted almost 1 & half month too many time – sent email no formal update, no problem solved, not contacted by anyone to access the issue except the building manager visited one time. I need help for further steps please.

A: Firstly, you will need to ascertain if the window in question is a lot owner responsibility or common property.

Assuming this has already been defined, and it is a strata matter, it is encouraged to follow up with the building manager who is responsible for arranging repairs and maintenance on behalf of the Owners Corporation as the first step. If they are not responding, make contact with the strata manager or a committee member to assist with your enquiry.

The delay may be due to multiple reasons, such as contractor availability, awaiting committee instruction, the matter being part of a large scope of works requiring the involvement of the entire owners corporation through a general meeting vote, part of a building defect claim, etc.

Should attempts to get an update be futile, you may wish to make contact Fair Trading to apply for mediation against the owners corporation. They will also be able to assist with an escalation should mediation be unsuccessful.