Q: Can a developer who still owns 20 units in our strata scheme of 80 units can vote himself to be a Chairman, Treasurer or secretary in The AGM. Taking full control of the Committee and OC.
Can a developer who still owns 20 units in our strata scheme of 80 units can vote himself to be a Chairman, Treasurer or secretary in The AGM, taking full control of the Committee and OC? – Marjan, NSW
A: Given the way unit entitlements work in NSW strata schemes, the developer may be within their rights. However, if their appointment of so many roles hinders the owners corporation from following and carrying out mandatory duties outlined within state legislation (which in this case would be the NSW Strata Schemes Management Act 2015), then you may have a strong case to appoint a compulsory strata manager. This will require you to have proof that there are issues arising from the strata committee that affect the owners corporation.