We have had a week of noise from screaming and uncontrolled child behaviour in the pool. What can we do?
Q: We have had a week of noise from screaming and uncontrolled child behaviour in the pool. The parents would not cooperate and calm their children down. The noise was so bad we could not hear the TV with the doors to the balcony shut. It is a very stressful situation making it impossible for us and others to enjoy being in our home. What can we do?
A: It may be best to refer to your body corporate by-laws. They should outline the usage of the pool, as well as rules around acceptable levels of noise and noise disturbances.
If a friendly and honest conversation with your neighbours does not help, you may issue a written warning, followed by formal notices to rectify the issue (in this case: a breach of noise and disturbance by-laws).
There are also ways to escalate the problem if formal warnings are again ignored.
For more information, have a look at our article When should your committee enforce a by-law using a contravention notice?.
In the case that your by-laws do not mention acceptable usage of the pool, or noise levels and disturbances, you may want to have existing by-laws amended to be more clear, or add them in if they don’t exist. For more information on by-law drafting and registration services, find out more or book a free consultation by clicking here.