Who is responsible for the maintenance of the balcony in townhouses? – Kenneth, QLD

Q: 2 of 4 townhouses in a Building Format plan have balconies that are wholly within the private property of each townhouse and these balconies do not have any boundaries with the common property.

Who is responsible for the maintenance of the following balcony items:

  1. Flooring
  2. Balustrade
  3. Bearers and joists
  4. Bearer support posts including metal stirrups and concrete that the metal stirrups are embedded into.

Regulation module: Standard

Subdivision plan: Building format plan (previously building unit plan)


A: If the balconies are wholly within what is considered private property of each townhouse, and the use and benefit of these balconies are strictly for the owners of the townhouses, it will be the owners responsibility to maintain all listed balcony items, as well as any repairs if required.