smoke drift
We have a two-year-old and live near a chain smoker. What can we do about secondhand smoke? Our greatest concern is our baby. – Adam, NSW
Q: Hi. I’m living in a rented apartment in a block in Sydney. We have a two year old. Are there …
Can the body corporate stop someone from smoking a cigarette on their balcony when the smoke goes into next door balcony? – Jackie, QLD
This is a common issue in strata living as smoke may drift in from neighbouring apartments and common areas such as …
Cigarette smoke comes up into our unit. What rights do we have. We have been told there’s nothing we can do about it. – Kay, QLD
We live in an apartment on the 3rd floor with a mixture of permanent residents and holiday guests. Quite often the …
Cigarette smoke is drifting into my unit from above, next door and across the passageway, I am not a smoker and cannot open my windows for fresh air. – Dale, QLD
This is a common issue in strata living as smoke may drift in from neighbouring apartments and common areas such as …
The apartment below me has a smoker and first thing every morning they have a couple of cigarettes and it drifts into my apartment. – Kirsten, NSW
This is a common issue in strata living as smoke may drift in from neighbouring apartments and common areas such as …
What can I do if constant cigarette smoke is drifting into my apartment? – Joan, NSW
This is a common issue in strata living as smoke may drift in from neighbouring apartments and common areas such as …
The people immediately below me smoke on their balcony and their smoke comes straight into my apartment. What can I do to stop them? – Johannes, QLD
This is a common issue in strata living as smoke may drift in from neighbouring apartments and common areas such as …
How can we stop the nuisance of smoke drift in a residential apartment building coming from balconies? – Gail, QLD
This is a common issue in strata living as smoke may drift in from neighbouring apartments and common areas such as …
What can I do if cigarette smoke drifts into my apartment from a neighbouring apartment? – Jill, NSW
Cigarette smoke drifting from neighbouring apartments is a common concern in strata community living. While there are steps you can take, it’s …
My next door tenant neighbour smokes even though they’ve been told not to smoke indoors but on the balcony. Is there anything I can do as an owner? – Judith, QLD
Smoke drift is my problem. I live in a group of 36 Villas, some of which are holiday let, some tenanted …
What are our rights to stop smoke drift? – Marc, VIC
My neighbour smokes and the smoke wafts all through our house. I have a young daughter and I don’t want her …
I get smoke and cigarette butts all times to my apartment and help is good news. – Russel, VIC
The first step is to identify the unit from where the cigarette butts are coming and talk to your neighbours about …
Smoke has been drifting from the tenanted unit upstairs down to mine for seven years and they’ve been ignoring letters from owners corporation. What can I do? – Mark, VIC
Smoke drift is a common problem in owners corporation properties. However, its difficult to restrict smoking if the residents are doing …
What are my rights when cigarette smoke drifts into our apartment or excludes us from enjoying our balcony? – Linda, QLD
Cigarette smoke drift is a common complaint in body corporate properties, due to the close proximity of living arrangements. The actions …
What can I do if cigarette smoke is drifting into my apartment? – Sal, NSW
With shared community living as in strata properties, cigarette smoke drift is a major concern. This is further compounded by the …