Q: Someone buys a unit (that has had the bathroom renovated) and several months later a small leak is detected in the storeroom below. Plumbers report came back there is missing grout in shower area. Water is going under tiles and into possible a pin hole in waterproofing that is causing drip below. Who is responsible to pay for fix the owner or strata? Our building is pre 74.
Water is going under tiles and into possible a pin hole in waterproofing that is causing drip below. Who is responsible to pay for fix the owner or strata? – Julie, NSW
A: Usually, waterproofing is the responsibility of the owners corporation (aka strata). However, in this case, since the bathroom has been renovated, it may fall on the owner to pay for repairs.
To clarify who is responsible it may be best to find out if there were any by-laws registered by the previous owner for the bathroom renovation. This by-law should outline the terms and conditions of the bathroom renovation. Most of the time, when an owner is approved for a renovation of this nature, they take on the responsibility for repairs and maintenance of the renovated space.
If you have access to a strata manager, you may wish to ask them to clarify as well.