Our strata by-law states applications for pet’s can be made to the strata committee. However the committee always vote “no” to all animals. – Pamela, NSW

It is important to read the specific by-law pertaining to keeping of pets. If you are a tenant, permission must first be sought from the owner of the unit, then by the owners corporation. If the by-law states that the keeping of an animal must have written approval by the owners corporation, the strata committee have the right to make this decision on behalf of the owners corporation. If your application is declined, the committee must provide reasons for this refusal. The owners corporations cannot unreasonably withold its approval of the keeping of an animal. You can contact your strata manager about the decision, or add a motion to the next general meeting agenda to discuss the approval of pets at the plan or propose to amend the by-law. If the decision is still unreasonable or unfair this can then be addressed with Fair Trading.