My strata committee has undertaken unapproved works – what can I do and can I get a refund? Joan, NSW
The strata committee had some work done on common property, marked out car spaces (that are too small), and put up a sign at the entrance of the complex. The committee did not take these decisions to a general meeting, they just did it. I was not consulted about these two actions and I do not use the small car spaces that have been marked out on common property. What can I do about it? As I was not consulted about this work, can I get my proportion of the funds that were expended on this returned to me?
– Joan, NSW
In NSW, there are restrictions on the powers of a strata committee. Committees are not allowed to improve or enhance the common property without a special resolution passed at a general meeting of the owners corporation. To pass a special resolution in NSW, no more than 25% of votes can be cast against the motion.
You may check if your committee’s decision is in line with the law and as approved by the owners corporation. Read more on the state laws regarding strata committees here.
For more information on committee workings, read another FAQ response here.