We have just been told there is a water leak from our bathtub that is causing the lobby roof to be wet. They are asking us to share the cost of repairs. Is this the responsibility of the Strata? – Justine, NSW

Q: We have just been told there’s a water leak from under our bathtub that is causing the lobby roof to be wet.
Strata has not given us a detailed report nor photos of our bathtub that do not show any damage or gap inside other than the photos of the pipes above the ceiling.
They have asked us to seal our bathtub which we can from the inside of the tub but not under as the plug is permanently sealed.
They are asking us to share the cost of the repairs.
Isn’t this the responsibility of the Strata as we already paid for Building Insurance via our levies?
What do we need from them to show it’s our responsibility.

A: The Strata Committee may be asking you to arrange repairs as seal/grouting around the top of the bath, pipes within the airspace of your Lot and plug and waste is considered the Lot owners responsibility. If the cause of the leak is past the boundary wall, the responsibility for repairs may fall on the Strata.
Unfortunately, there may be a need to make penetrations to access the underside of your bath to seal the leak properly. Have your contractor take photos of the leak when undertaking the repair. If there is no leak within your airspace, or the leak surpasses the boundary wall, then it may be considered reasonable to claim the investigative portion of the repairs from Strata.
Unfortunately, repairs considered wear and tear, such as a leaking pipe, are typically not covered by insurance. However, any consequential damage resulting from the leak maybe once the repair is undertaken.