I have evidence of a leak in a pipe behind an internal concrete wall… Will this be a strata issue to resolve and pay for or deemed to be non-common property as a pipe in the internal wall? – Gavin, NSW
Q: I have evidence of a leak in a pipe behind an internal concrete wall. The pipe runs from the hot water tank (the pressure relief pipe). This leak is damaging the wall. There is a strong chance this will get worse and flood my unit and others so is deemed an urgent repair.
The pipe runs into a common waste pipe for the building and it is an original building installation from the 1970s.
My question is will this be a strata issue to resolve and pay for or deemed to be non-common property as a pipe in the internal wall?
There is significant work to take off concrete and remediate then fix the wall. (In a small area) so costs will be high. Thanks
A: If the hot water tank and the pipe is for the use and benefit of many lot owners and not just yourself, this will most likley be a strata matter. Your owners corporation are most likely to be responsible for the repair and maintenance of this leak, as well as repairs to any walls/internal structures that have been damaged as a result.
You may also want to refer to your by-laws and your strata plan, which should be able to identify what areas are considered owners property and which are considered common property. This will help you define who is responsible for any associated repairs and maintenance.