If a resident advises the committee they must isolate because they have the virus, are there any requirements for the committee to assist? – Chris, NSW

Q: If a resident advises the committee they must isolate because they have the virus, are there any requirements for the committee to assist, apart from moral, with garbage removal and perhaps groceries or is this arranged by the persons doctor or NSW health?

We are aware of confidentiality requirements. Many thanks.

A: It will be up to the committee to decide on their level of involvement. Whatever their approach is, they will need to adhere to the guidelines provided by the Australian health department – such as social distancing, as well as have the responsibility to promote health and safety by putting extra precautionary measures in place.

You can find out more about health and financial measures for committee members here: https://picagroup.com.au/covid-19-measures-for-strata-committees/