How many tradesman car parking spaces should be allowed per building? – Jeanette, QLD

You may find this information in your by-laws specific to your property type.

The Community Management Statement (CMS) recorded for the body corporate generally includes a by-law that is relevant to the designation of parking of vehicles on common property for a complex. If you have not been provided with a copy of this document, we would suggest you approach the body corporate manager for a copy.

Visitor parking and common property parking allocation for tradesman can be regulated by the body corporate.

If your by-laws are unclear on the matter or do not have any provisions outlined, you may file a motion in your next general meeting and work with your body corporate to have them amended at your next annual general meeting (AGM) through a special resolution.

For further information on visitor parking, read our article here. You can also find more helpful tips in this free body corporate living guide.