How many make a decision making quorum in an ordinary meeting of a total of 7 members? – Stephen, QLD

Q: How many make a decision making quorum in an ordinary meeting of a total of 7 members?


A: This will depend on the type of resolution that is being voted on at the ordinary meeting.

If you are voting for an ordinary resolution, the number of people voting “yes” must simply outweigh the number of people voting “no” for the ordinary resolution to pass.

However, if you are voting for a special resolution the following rules will apply:

  1. At least two-thirds of the votes cast are in favour of the motion
  2. the number of votes against the motion is not more than 25% of the total number of lots and
  3. the total contribution schedule lot entitlements of the votes against the motion is not more than 25% of the total contribution schedule lot entitlements for all lots in the scheme.

All three conditions must be met for the motion to pass by special resolution. If one of the conditions is not met the motion will fail.