What is the next step when a caretaker disobeys a motion passed by the body corporate committee? – Susan, QLD

Q: What is the next step when a caretaker disobeys a motion passed by the body corporate committee?


A: This will depend on what the motion stipulates.

If it introduces a new by-law, the caretaker can be formally notified of a breach of by-laws. This will act as a deterrent for a repeat offence, as it can lead to formal warnings and fines if the by-law is not adhered to.

If the matter is operational (i.e. extra/increased areas of duty), you may wish to notify them of the shortcomings, and if matters are not improved you may wish to switch to a new caretaker/caretaking service.

We also recommend speaking to your body corporate manager if one is available, as they will be able to handle the matter and should have processes for internal mediation if required.