Can a BCM charge individual unit owners for an application when the contract is between the BC and the BCM? – Greg, QLD

Q: Our body corporate management (BCM) is charging us $110 for a Committee approval to install an air conditioner. We have provided a quote (under $3,000) and advised placement (in the garden, where everyone else’s is) and it will be completed by a registered electrician.

They are already charging a standard contract fee, then automatic admin charge and phone call charge. Then there is the extras such as postage, inwards fax charges, emails, phone calls, VOC notices, 50% of lost discounts and 50% of penalty interest. So we are paying well in excess $500 per unit each year. The BCM also quoted me $500-800 to have an EGM.

Can a BCM charge individual unit owners for an application when the contract is between the BC and the BCM? I can’t locate in the contract anything about charging unit owners for every application they make to the Committee. This has resulted in a number of units going ahead and doing whatever they want, without Committee approval, because the costs are so excessive.


A: It might be best to work this matter out with your body corporate committee. This is because your body corporate committee are responsible for communications and delegation of tasks to the body corporate manager.

It may be worth mentioning your notes on the contract, especially around the lack of mention of charges towards unit owners.

Your body corporate manager should be able to explain the breakdown of fees and why they’re required.

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