As the Chairperson, how can I ensure that only proactive owners supportive of the whole owners corporation are members of the strata committee? Terry, NSW
While Queensland is the only state that has a legislative code of conduct for committee members, property owners in other states can decide to put in place a code of conduct that stipulates the expected levels of service and professionalism from members. It would be the responsibility of the chairperson to make it known that anyone wishing to be on the committee would have to abide by the code of conduct and upon election sign a copy of the document. While this may not be a legally binding document it helps owners and committee members understand what is required of the role.
Additionally, at the AGM the chairperson can ask that individuals putting their name forward to be on the committee introduce themselves to the owners corporation and outline why they would like to be on the committee and what they think the committee should aim to achieve over the next yea