Q: I manage a small unit in southern Sydney and have a good Tenant.
The Strata Manager keeps asking me for the contact details of my tenant which I am trying to protect his privacy and he works odd hours.
I have informed the Manager that I do not want to give the details but they are saying that Legislation requires them to maintain a strata roll including names, emails mobiles.
I am trying to do the right thing but I am felling bullied by the Strata Manager.
I do not want to give my tenant details to the strata manager but they are saying that legislation requires them. -NSW, Noel
A: Whilst it may appear you are acting in good faith for your tenant by not providing their details to the strata manager, unfortunately, this contravenes the requirements under section 258 of the Strata Schemes Management Act 2025. http://classic.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/nsw/consol_act/ssma2015242/s258.html
The owner or their agent is obligated to notify within 14 days that the property is leased. The notice should include the tenant’s name, the address for communication, the lease start date and the agent’s name (if acting on behalf of the owner). The request is reasonable if the strata manager maintains the strata roll for the owners corporation.