Q: The “Certificate of Plant Item Registration” for the lift states:
‘This certificate of registration (or a copy) must be kept in the vicinity of the item of plant to which it refers’.
Rather than have this displayed in the lift itself, is it ok to have this certificate on our noticeboard (outside the Garbage room), with other certificates such as ‘Fire Safety Statement’ and ‘Inspection of Height Safety Equipment’.
With thanks and looking forward to your reply
Is it ok to have the “Certificate of Plant Item Registration” on our noticeboards instead of in the lift itself? – Stuart, NSW
A: If the certificate is not placed within the lift space or directly in the vicinity of lift entry on the ground floor, then the Owners Corporation should consult with SafeWork whether the preferred placement is considered reasonable. We recommend you seek written authority from SafeWork NSW via 13 10 50 or post: SafeWork NSW, Locked Bag 2906, LISAROW NSW 2252, on the placement of the certificate if you choose not to display it in the lift.