We have an owner who resides at a different address who constantly parks in our visitor car space. Can you please advise whether this is permitted? – Cheryl, NSW

Q: Hi There, we have an owner who resides at a different address (around the corner from our complex) who constantly parks in our visitor car space. Can you please advise whether this is permitted?

We also have an owner (unit 1) who resides in unit 2. As they also have a different address to the unit they own, are they permitted to constantly park in our visitor car space? My thoughts are the by-laws state any “owner or occupant” are not allowed to park on common property so I believe they can’t do this. I hope this makes sense. I look forward to hearing from you to resolve this ongoing issue.


A: If your property’s by-laws explicitly state that owners or occupants may not park on common property, these owners appear to be in breach of the bylaws. It may be worth speaking to your strata committee or strata manager about this to solve the dispute. Your owners corporation can also look into handing powers over to the local council for a fee. Council rangers will have the ability to issue parking infringement notices to residents who’ve parked illegally.