I live in a complex where the levies seem to be very much in favour of the bigger units. Is there away to get the levies on a more even playing field?

Question: I live in a Queensland complex where the levies seem to be very much in favour of the bigger units eg. my unit if 117 square meters. On the same floor there is a unit that is 280 square meters and they pay 7% more than myself.

I know they did this to entice the sales of the bigger units when they built them. Now a decade later the smaller units are paying levies that are so much more than other similar complexes.

Is there a way to get the levies on a more even playing field?


The apportionment of levies is generally based on a number of factors, which may include the unit’s size, but it’s also determinant on the common areas you share with your fellow occupiers. Shared resources such as lobbies, gardens, pools, gym, hallways, etc. are included in your levies to ensure continual upkeep for enjoyment of all occupiers.

Where you think your levies are unfairly skewed, you can review your schedule of unit entitlements, however it is quite complex and your strata manager is best positioned to talk you through this. Levies can be tabled through levy motions at committee meetings, and if you’re unsatisfied with the outcome, in Queensland you can also apply to the Queensland Civil and Administrative Council (QCAT) for an order to change the schedule.