When choosing a new colour scheme to paint a body corporate building, could an owner make a valid complaint that the choices offered are not wide enough or too similar? – Andrew, QLD
When choosing a new colour scheme to paint a high rise building, could an owner make a valid complaint that the choices offered are not wide enough i.e. too similar?
– Andrew, QLD
Usually, your body corporate and committee will research and have a thorough discussion with all common property related matters before taking any decisions. They may supply, or engage another person or agency to supply utility services and other services for the benefit of owners and occupiers of lots. These services include cleaning, repairing, painting, pest prevention or extermination, mowing etc. When it comes to changing the appearance of a lot,
You may get in touch with your committee and discuss your concerns. You may file a motion in the agenda of your next general meeting so your concerns are heard, recorded and given due attention in the a body corporate meeting.
You may find more information in the Queensland government website about body corporate improvement works and the committee’s role in maintaining the property.